I was looking for a way to repeat some of the most common tasks I perform in 3ds max. It turns out that using MAXScript is the way to do it. Don't let the word 'script' scare you, it is pretty easy. The task I wanted to create an 'action' button for was. -Apply UVW Map -with Box Mapping and Real-World Scale
To create the Script we need an object to record the action from. So just create a box.
Click on MAXScript (next to Help) on the top menu. Select MAX Script Listener
This Box will pop up, Click MacroRecorder and Enable from the dropdown.
Β Now what ever you do will be recorded, like in Photoshop actions.
Apply a UVW Map > Mapping to Box > tick Real-World Map Size Turn off the MacroRecorder by hitting enable again.
This is what you have. modPanel.addModToSelection (Uvwmap ()) ui:on $.modifiers[#UVW_Map].maptype = 4 $.modifiers[#UVW_Map].realWorldMapSize = on $.modifiers[#UVW_Map].utile = 1 $.modifiers[#UVW_Map].vtile = 1 $.modifiers[#UVW_Map].length = 1 $.modifiers[#UVW_Map].width = 1 $.modifiers[#UVW_Map].height = 1 Select all the text and copy it.
At the top of Max go to MAXScript again and New Script. Paste in the code.
At the top copy and paste this... macroScript UVWmap category:"Jaked3d" buttonText:"UVWmapRWS"
You can change the name of the Script (UVWmap) category:"(Jaked3d)" and buttonText:"(UVWmapRWS)"
Add brackets to the top and bottom of the code like below
Now in MAXScript > File > Save where you like In MAXScript > Tools > Evaluate All
Now in the top menu in 3ds Max Select Customize > Customize User Interface In the Toolbars tab in Category you should find what you called your category you can now drag it 'Uvwmap' onto the Main Toolbar.
You can now select any object in yourΒ sceneΒ and apply your script. You can download this one here. Jaked3d UVWmapRWS
You can then combine your 'actions' with other scripts. For example I recorded the same action in the above example with the Centre and Reset script from Frodos Magic BagΒ to centre the pivot of an object > reset xform > apply uvw map with box mapping and real world scale, in one hit of a button.
Search Macro Scripts in 3ds Max Help for lots more info.