Tactics Vs Strategy


Have you ever enrolled in a course and never started it? Remember that feeling of joy when the payment went through and knowing your life is going to change? Or you watched the first two lessons, but never picked it up again. That's because the strategy was missing.

Courses bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. They solve a problem. You can find the solution through trial and error, or learn from someone who’s done it before.

Whichever way you choose you need two things. 

  1. A Tactic (the course)

  2. A Strategy (the schedule to complete the course)

You can’t bridge the gap with only a tactic, you need a strategy too! That's the difference between students that fail and students that succeed.

Enrol In Course (Tactic)

+ Schedule Time (Strategy)

= Life You Want (Solution)

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So, What’s The Strategy?

I’m glad you asked. A method called Don't Break the Chain (or The Seinfeld Method) The idea is to put a calendar on the wall in a prominent place. For each day you complete a section of the course, put a big X on the calendar. After a few days, you’ll have a chain. Each day the chain will get longer. This is pretty motivating, then all you have to do is not break the chain. It sounds easy because it is. And it works.

Keep in mind what is going to improve for you when you take action every day. Below is a link to the skills and tactics that helped me in creating the work I wanted to do. Combine these with the right strategy and you’ll be earning good money from CGI work in no time.

Courses For 3D Artists