AI Tools to Get Ahead of 99% of 3D Artists

AI tools are revolutionizing….. everything! Making complex and time-consuming tasks incredibly easy. In this blog post, I’ll showcase several AI tools that any 3D artist can integrate into their workflow. We’ll look at some examples and see how these tools are set to transform our approach to 3D.

The AI Revolution: Threat or Opportunity?

Many fear that AI might devalue art or replace artists. But history shows that technological revolutions, like the internet, often lead to greater prosperity and innovation. AI in art is no different. These tools won’t replace artists; instead, they will amplify and assist in our creative process. Skilled hands are still needed to harness this technology effectively.

Image Upscaler: Magic in Action

The first tool I want to highlight is an image upscaler and enhancer. It’s like magic. For example, an image of Lara Croft from the PS1 era was upscaled to look stunningly detailed.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Upload a standard 3D image.

  2. Use default settings and hit upscale.

The result is an image with crisper details and more realistic textures. It simplifies processes like creating dirt maps and complex materials, making them look more natural and detailed.

Example: Kitchen Appliance Image

I used the upscaler on an image for a kitchen appliance manufacturer. The details improved significantly, though some elements like a heavily aged person were off. Adjusting sliders like resemblance and creativity can help refine the output. The tool, Magnific AI, has become a solid part of my post-production workflow.

Animation Rendering: A Time Saver

Rendering animations can be time-consuming. Traditionally, each frame of a 3D animation can take minutes, leading to hours or even days of rendering. AI changes this:

  1. Render every 10th frame using 3D and AI combined.

  2. Upload the frames and let the AI fill in the gaps.

This method cuts rendering time drastically, from 15 hours to just 90 minutes. Using runway’s frame interpretation tool and Topaz AI for upscaling, you can achieve high-resolution animations in a fraction of the time.

Enhancing 3D Humans

Improving 3D human models is another area where AI excels. Using Topaz Photo AI, you can import textures and enhance details like face recovery, making the models look more realistic. The before and after comparisons show significant improvements, making this tool invaluable for any project involving human models.

Sky Replacement and Photo Enhancements

Client requests often include making the sky bluer or adding atmosphere effects. Luminar Neo offers powerful AI capabilities for photo editing:

  • Sky Replacement: Seamlessly integrates a new sky into your scene.

  • Enhancements: Accent the image, add fog, or introduce sun rays for dramatic effects.

These features allow for quick and effective adjustments, elevating the overall quality of your 3D renders.


AI tools are transforming the 3D landscape. They simplify complex tasks, save time, and enhance the quality of our work. By integrating tools like Magnific AI, runway’s frame interpretation, Topaz Photo AI, and Luminar Neo into your workflow, you can stay ahead of the curve and elevate your 3D art projects to new heights. Explore these tools and see how they can revolutionize your creative process.

Here’s a video I made about just this!